Happy Birthday Mom & John!!!
I can't believe it's Monday already, What happened to the weekend?
Today is my moms birthday & my son in laws birthday. We had a cookout yesterday with way to much food. It was just a good ole fashion cookout, hamburgers with all the fixins, Baked beans chips, dip & of course cake & ice cream.
All the kids had a great time outside. The weather was perfect @74 degrees and sunny. I bet I walked 2 miles in the backyard pulling Kayla.
Aidden came out right at the end and took a turn in the wagon, for some reason they always want to go up the hills, Nonna just says NO to hills!!
Both grandbabies stayed over Saturday night, it was so much fun. Bath time was interesting because Aidden is VERY BUSY!!
Jay and I both enjoyed playing, bathing them and chasing Aidden, We also enjoyed BED TIME...
Sunday night we both slept GOOD.
If you notice the picture above with Alana Grace knocked out, I just want to say in my defense, that shopping with Nonna is not for ametures. Alana Grace is in training and I'm very sure then given just a little time she will be able to hang with us veterns.
besides the good times with family this weekend we were also blessed with a reason to call the "MAYTAG MAN" our fridge went out...
Oh well it's only money... "Mr. Maytag came out and looked it over today and collected an arm & a leg then told me the parts will be in Thursday or Friday and he will be back to fix it then. You can imagine the joy in my heart as I wrote him a check for the parts in order to wait 3 or 4 days to get the fridge back and write him the labor check!!
One thing I know is that big girls get a little concerened when the fridge is on the blink :)
Well I guess thats all for now, I'll post in a day or two when theres something new.
Until then....
Check out my future
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